Boxers with Parkinson's
Assessments * Insights * Research
Boxers with Parkinson's Association, BwPA, engages the collective voice and expertise of the Rock Steady Boxing network in the fight against Parkinson's. As membership grows, BwP may provide services such as group discounts, a RSB Council, marketing assistance, umbrella 501c3 nonprofit eligibility and new income opportunities.
Boxers with Parkinson's Research, BwPR, is the flag under which we will conduct research activity over the long term studying the role of exercise as therapy for thousands of boxer's in their fight against Parkinson's.
Boxers with Parkinson's Technology, BwPT, focuses on technology to serve the Parkinson's community with assessment administration, analysis and research tools. BwP is already working on next generation assessment tools called Insights and an interactive exercise therapy optimizer and prescription service called ExerRx. Together, they will be powerful tools in the fight against aging, Parkinson's, diabetes and other conditions where exercise has been shown as an effective therapeutic option.
Boxers with Parkinson's introduces the all-new PARS 3.0!
PARS 3.0 brings a host of ground-breaking capabilities to member gyms and their boxers. PARS will capture historical assessment information and future assessment results in a cloud-based system for anytime, anywhere access to be shared with coaches, boxers and their families plus researchers and analysts. Engage your boxers with on-time, smart assessments and a personal assessment report to share with family and even their neurologist. Provide a professional assessment experience with advanced insights and information never before available.