Advisory Council
Providing Guidance and Oversight
Boxers with Parkinson’s is recruiting a professional advisory council which would include medical professionals (neurologists, movement specialists, PAs, PTs, etc.), personal trainers, statisticians, researchers, analysts, RSB affiliates, RSB coaches and others. Advisors will have an active role in guiding the association, in determining the path to serve our association and our research, in opening doors and making introductions, and, providing critical examination of BwP strategies and tactics to meet our mission and goals.
If you are interested in becoming a member of our Advisory Council, please click here to tell us a little about you.
The current Advisory Council includes:
Mike Sellars
Mike is a Parkie, a RSB affiliate, a RSB Coach, and designed the PARS App. Mike gets his daily dose of exercise by boxing, playing tennis and biking. His area of expertise on the council is as a Parkie and in the technology including development, the implementation of new app features and support of the research project.
Mike is a founder of BwP and the vision behind the app, the association, the research project, and Sweaty Bucks.
Linda Mounts
Linda is new to Parkinson's and Rock Steady Boxing as the new coach in Covington, WA. Her role will be to build the Covington Rock Steady Boxing gym into a PARS showcase and training center.
Linda loves helping people through fitness and an active lifestyle, trying new things and connecting with people. She has been teaching group fitness classes for over 20 years. Her certifications and experience include Personal Training, Yoga, Weight Lifting, Cycling, Rowing, Kickboxing, Barre and Boot Camp. She enjoys prehab and rehab and working with seniors. She believe in exercising the mind as well as the body.
Linda is a wife, mom and grandma. She enjoys being outside skiing and gardening as well as doing mind games and puzzles in front of a fire.
Sue Ludwig
Sue is a multi-discipline gym owner: ACE PT, Rock Steady Boxing Certified Trainer, Delay The Disease, PWR Moves Certified Instructor, 200 Hour Register Yoga Teacher, and ACE Senior Exercise Specialist. She has 2 RSB locations with about 50 active boxers. Here is a link to her TED Talk: Keeping Parkinson’s on the Ropes. Worth watching!
Kathy Reap
“My husband, John, was diagnosed with Parkinson's in March of 2015 at the age of 54. As a physical therapist with experience in nursing homes and home health, I was more familiar with the latter stages of Parkinson's. I wanted to do whatever it took to have John avoid progressing for as long as possible.
"We did our research to see what we could do to keep him active and healthy. Not only did we learn about the power of intense exercise as medicine, we also learned about Rock Steady Boxing." Kathy became a RSB coach and the 5th RSB affiliate in PA.
“Coaching has challenged me to view each person with Parkinson's as an athlete rather than as a patient. I want each person to feel empowered, to believe in themselves and to have hope. As a coach, I challenge them to see that they are capable of more than they had thought possible.
Boxers with Parkinson's (c) 2019, 2020, 2021. A Washington 501c3 Association and Research Project.