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Business Benefits
Income, Credibility, Community good will...


BwP Membership will impact your business in meaningful ways.  Participating in the national BwPP research study brings credibility to your program.  Scheduled, on-time, scripted, comprehensive assessments for your Boxers present your team in a professional light.  Providing Boxers with their Parkinson's Boxer Assessment Report, BAR, provides a service they cannot get anywhere else.  Not from their neurologist, not from their physical therapist, not from their Yoga instructor, not from their kickboxing coach and not from Pedaling with Parkinson's at the YMCA.  Your assessments become a valuable service that generates income and they are an effective recruiting and retention tool.  And through Sweaty Bucks you can build lasting community good will.  Read on.

We all know that boxing as exercise therapy for Parkinson's is all about the Boxers.  However, making your business more efficient, increasing your income and providing more value for your client's money and time is all good.  And participating in a national research study.  Win. Win. Win.

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Sweat It Forward Grants
Assessments as a service
The BwP Marketing Calendar
Boxer recruiting and retention
Sweaty Bucks Community Giving
501c3 Nonprofit Umbrella Chapters (Coming soon)
Elevate your professionalism and image

Boxers with Parkinson's (c) 2019, 2020, 2021.  A Washington 501c3 Association and Research Project.