October 21, 2020 @ 5:23 AM

This 14-step script begins with "What is your name" and ends with "Welcome to boxing for Parkinson's."  One section at a time it guides you through the entire enrollment process.  It will save you time, you'll get all the information you need to advise and consult with your boxer and you will have a comprehensive baseline for future assessments.  And your Boxer is immediately part of the Boxers with Parkinson's Project!

1)  Personal Information:  The usual stuff plus two pictures.  Get a headshot and a full length standing shot.

2)  Emergency Contact:  Have emergency info available anytime, anywhere.

3)  Parkinson's Meds:  View a checklist of PD specific meds.  

4)  Health Conditions:  Checklist of common issues that could effect their workout or safety.  Check all appropriate.  If they mention something not on the list, there is a general area on the Coach's Page.

5)  Heart Conditions:  Checklist.

6)  Begin Assessment:  Establish new assessment script.

7)  PD Symptoms:  Set, or clear if they don't know, their First Symptoms date.  Set Diagnosis Date.  Check appropriate symptoms.  A Severity Slider will appear to note severity from 1 to 10.

8) PDQ-39: Hand the tablet to the Boxer.  Explain the survey.  When the boxer hits "Begin", the app takes the boxer through the PDQ one scenario at a time.  When the Boxer is done he/she will hand the tablet back to the coach.  A PDQ summary appears to review with the boxer and their family.

9)  Physical assessment tests.  The tablet takes you through the 10 FAB tests plus the TUG & S2S one screen at a time.  Brief instructions are included for each test.  Help with complete instructions are available for each test.  Timers and a metronome included on screen.  When done, a Physical Assessment Summary allows you to see all the test scores and an overall score immediately.  Discuss what you observed and what the tests reveal with the Boxer.

10)  TWET:  Typical Weekly Exercise Tracking.  Boxing isn't all your boxer does.  They might also walk or hike, do Tai Chi or Yoga, play tennis or dance.  A TWET planner helps a boxer see if they are getting enough exercise and if they are choosing the best exercise.  

11) Coach's Observations:  Set next assessment date, Boxer level and Boxer intensity.  Add coach comments.  Ask about other medical conditions.  Set Boxer goals.

12)  Waiver Pages:  Media Release.  Research Release.  Privacy Policy.

13) Boxer Profile:  Takes you to the full Boxer Profile where you can see everything in one place.  At the bottom of the report thee are sections to review the symptoms, meds and health & heart info.  Discuss with Boxer.

14)  Email Boxer BwP Profile.  Go to "Reports" > "BwP Report" to email their report to all coaches and the Boxer.