October 23, 2020 @ 10:02 AM

One of the founders of BwP is 72 years old and has Parkinson's.  Mike.  Last New Year's Day, 2021, Mike took inventory of himself and he could look out to next New Year's Eve knowing that he could expect to decline some during the year due to aging and due to his PD.  His 100-meter dash might be a step slower.  His tennis reactions might be slower.  His bowling scores might decline. The nature of getting older is that life seems to be a degenerative condition.  And, we know PD is!  Add the two influences together and you have Parkinson's Time.  Can Father Time be beaten at his own game?  Can you fight Mr. Parkinson's?

BwP hopes to prove that Father Time can be arm wrestled into submission and Mr. Parkinson's can be neutralized to some degree for some period of time.  Through fitness, conditioning and smart choices in exercise, do people aging with Parkinson's have some say in it all?  For every person and forever?  Which exercises?  How much exercise?  What can reasonably be expected?  Can age and Parkinson's be stopped forever?  Is it worth the effort?

Another way to think about it is watching your stock portfolio in a bear market.  If you can stay even when the market is crashing... you are winning.  So, Even is Winning!  EiW!.  Say that out loud.

Back to Mike, our founder.  His goal every New Year's Day, is to reach next New Year's Eve as strong and active as he started the year.  Because he is now 73 and still has Parkinson's... how did he do this year?   ASk to see my PARS Personal Assessment Report.

So, EiW! is how PARS measures participating boxers against themselves over time.  Their intake assessment creates a baseline and each future reassessment measures their progress fighting or their decline against each element of the study.  For each boxer, we create an overall PARS Score which includes select self-reported quality of life and coach-administered physical elements.  By comparing the PARS Score over time we get a quick picture of the boxer's progress or declines.  We can also do a deep dive into each individual element so the coach and the boxer can identify where changes are occurring and make plans to help the boxer fight smarter.

To compensate for minor variables taking any physical test 6 months or 3 years apart, "even" is defined as base score plus or minus 3 points.  A decline requires a drop in score of 4 or more points and an improvement requires a score change of 4 or more points. 

As powerful as the assessment comparison feature is for individual boxers, being able to analyze the impact of exercise on Parkinson's sufferers over hundreds or thousands of boxers will tell a more significant story.  We will be able to look at data over the long term by age groups, or by how long they have been boxing, or time since diagnosis, by levels, by gender of many other ways.  An early analysis of the Fullerton Advanced Balance test series with just 76 boxers who averaged 1.5 year boxing and 9 years since diagnosis, 19% showed declining scores, 29% stayed the same, and 52% improved their scores.  Adding the 29% plus the 52%, 81% EiW!'ed.  81% stayed even or improved!  That is definitely Winning.

Boxers will have greater confidence in the value of their hard work and money spent.  Coaches will have greater knowledge and confidence that they are making a difference.

So, EiW!.