September 11, 2020 @ 10:54 AM

The Covid-19 pandemic has thrown a wrench in the works.  Everything is different coming out of the pandemic.  And we won't know all the ways it will impact us for months.  But, here is what we know or at least suspect at this time.

  • For the Boxers in the pre-Covid study, the break of 6 +/- months creates a situation where their pre-covid assessments will have to stand alone and they will have to do a new, baseline assessment when they return.  Using only pre-Covid assessments, mmany pre-app paper-based assessments, we will see one picture of boxing as exercise therapy for PD.  As we add new members using their paper-based intake and assessments, pre-Covid data will actually continue to increase.
  • In a post-Covid world using the app, we may see something different.  The app scripts provide more comprehensive, more consistent, standardized information.  Most importantly, assessments will conform to the 6-month scheduled times creating a more reliable base to analyze.  
  • If we take improvement over a 6- or 8-month period of regular workouts to imply that exercise works... then a 6- or 8-month period with little or no exercise should show a decline.  We can compare Boxer's new post-Covid baseline assessment against their last pre-Covid assessment to measure the impact of the break on their quality of life perceptions and their physical test results.  

So, effectively, there will be three BwPP study periods:  Phase 1:  Everything before March 15th, 2020; Phase 2:  Everything from March 15th, 2020 and August 31st, 2020; and, Study 3:  Everything after September 1st, 2020 entered using the BwPP App.  Phase 1 will continue to grow in boxing participants as we add new members and boxers with intake and reassessment history prior to joining BwP.  Most boxers, beginning with a new baseline assessment when they return post-Covid, will be part of both studies. 

Phase 1 boxers had several disadvantages.  Coaches were very inconsistent performing assessments: how they were administered, what tools were used (PDQ/FAB/TUG/S2S), legibility, missing information, different test instructions, inconsistent time between reassessments, and more.    

Phase 3 boxers will have the advantage of all their assessments administered through the BwPP app giving them greater administrative consistency, enhanced data points with advanced analysis and reporting. 

Overall, the Covid break gave us time to redesign the app and use our pre-Covid learning curve to prepare for a long term, in-depth, comprehensive study that will answer lots of questions and provide statistical proof that RSB coaches make a difference.