May 1, 2021 @ 1:19 PM

locations, coaches, boxers and workout time slots each week.  It can be a challenge finding the time to input every boxer's historical assessment information, introduce PARS to each boxer, take their photos and update their general information.  It only takes a few minutes per boxer... but there are so many of them!  Coaches have your hands full setting up for workouts, coaching, consulting and cleaning up.  You just need a little help getting started.

In the typical Rock Steady gym with less than 20 boxers, 1 coach and no volunteers, it is very hard to get started, yet, you will benefit the most from the tool! 

Although we’ll work with you to design an implementation process for your situation, I’ll use my 2 gyms as a model.  Gym 1 is Covington with about 25 active boxers of which about 16 are truly regulars.  We have 3 volunteers.  Gym 2 is Puyallup with about 20 active boxers of which about 12 are regulars.  They have 1 volunteer.  I have a head coach for each location.

I am the PARS coordinator for both locations and I’m training a PARS administrator in each location.  It is my job to oversee both locations helping whenever and wherever possible. 

The secret is to find a coach or volunteer to be your PARS Coordinator working with the coaches and boxers across all your locations and with each workout time slot.  For each workout time slot, a coach or, if available, a volunteer, to be the ongoing PARS administrator.

Stage 1: Setup and Implementation.  The implementation stage should last just a few weeks depending on how many boxers and how far back you have assessments to capture. 

Stage 2:  PARS Boxer introductions and information confirmation.  Your workout They will pull each boxer aside for about 5-7 minutes to tell them about the new app.  They will take boxer pictures, update general information like addresses and emails, and set each up for their next assessment whether they are due now or sometime in the future.  They just need 2 things:  1) the Boxer Quick Update screen in the app with all of a boxer's basic information in one place.  From this screen, they take photos and update information.  Easy Peasy.

Stage 3:  Daily PARS administration.    

The assignment is very straight forward.    2)  A piece of paper with coach availability, dates and times, to schedule assessments.  The coordinator doesn't do assessments, just schedules them for a coach.  They can also let you know before each workout about birthdays and boxing anniversaries.  They can remind boxers of their assessment times. 

Criteria:  They should be comfortable using a tablet, be a take charge kind of person and have the trust of the other boxers.  That's it.  

Step 1:  Take about 5 minutes at the beginning of your workout to introduce the PARS app, the boxer benefits, the research projects and your PARS coordinator.  Ask you boxers to get together with your coordinator to review their Boxer Assessment Report, BAR, to take their pics, update some general information and set their next assessment.

It takes just 5-7 minutes per boxer to take their photos and update their general information.  By capturing boxers before or after workouts, your coordinator can update 2 or 3 boxers.  Allow them to pull boxers out of the workouts for 5-7 minutes and they can add 6 or more boxer updates.  Each boxer misses just a few minutes of their workout but it is worth it.  In just a few workouts you will have most boxers updated with photos and your assessment schedule will be under control.  A couple weeks and you are all up to date.