This website includes a ton a great information. But what you are looking for may not be obvious as to where to find it. Here are links to important information organized by topic.
Report an error or bug Make a suggestion
BwP or BwPP?
Member Benefits
BwP Business Benefits
Marketing Assistance
Do RSB affiliates need an association?
Who can join BwP?
Handling multiple locations
Why isn't the app free?
What about non-Rock Steady programs?
The BwP Project
Scope & Mission
Parkinson's Registry
FAB Notes
PDQ-39 Notes
What is a TWET?
Do I have to do new assessments for all my boxers?
Not a perfect study
Assessment Tools
The BwP 100- Point Scoring System
PARS Boxer Quick Updates
The Parkinson's Profile
The Philosophy of EiW!
Coach Comfort with PARS
Assessment Scripts
Script 1: New Enrollment
Script 2: New Assessment
PARS on Paper Packets
Guest Boxers from another member
Can clients use the app to do assessments on their own?
Diagnosis Scales
Does the BwP assessment process meet RSB HQ expectations?
Sweaty Bucks: Getting your boxers onboard
PD benefits from Boxing versus other exercise
Boxing for Parkinson's. It Works!
Can boxing training improve PD symptoms?
Boxing for Parkinson's is a life changer
Cycling for Parkinson's
Tennis for Parkinson's
Boxers with Parkinson's (c) 2019, 2020, 2021. A Washington 501c3 Association and Research Project.