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PARS on Paper
Full backup PARS paper packet


The PARS tablet app is intuitive, powerful and saves time.  However, there are times when the app is not available or practical.

  • Some gyms do not have Internet WiFi and phone Hotspots may be unreliable.  
  • Your tablet might not boot or the app doesn't start/work. 
  • Another coach is doing an assessment on the tablet.
  • In one-coach scenarios, paper allows the coach to start and stop a boxer's assessment in small time slots… even on different days.
  • Having the PARS on Paper Packet allows new BwP members to begin immediately, before they receive their tablets.  Day 1!
  • The PARS app includes special scripts to reassess boxers on paper and enter the information into the PARS app quickly later.  Coaches can enter a complete intake assessment including the PDQ, and physical tests in just a few minutes.
    • You can enter all 39 PDQ questions on 1 screen in about 2 minutes!
    • You can enter all 12 physical tests on 1 screen in about 1 minute!
  • Keep a set of PARS on Paper available at all times because there can be a surprise at any time!
  • Enables Assessment Blitz days with multiple simultaneous assessments going on using stations.  Removes the limitation of having enough tablets.  More below.

 Concerns or limitations in using PARS on Paper include. 

  • Issues of legibility, missed information, incomplete forms, etc.  A major reason to move away from paper in the first place.
  • Will the coach actually enter the information into the PARS app later?  The boxer is waiting on their BAR!
  • Some coaches might default to PARS on Paper.  Keeping information current and accurate becomes harder the higher the stack of paper becomes.  Having the information at your fingertips... anytime from anywhere... is important.  The PARS scoring is so informative.  Getting each boxer's BAR to them is a huge deal.
  • Information included in the PARS app is still changing.  New information is added, deleted or changed weekly.  It will be difficult to keep the paper version current with all the changes.  Coaches may know there is a new version but they already have copies of that last version… good enough.

Assessment Blitz Days.  Using PARS on Paper, you can hold group assessment days and move a high number of boxers through their assessments in record time.  Assess on paper using multiple stations and enter the information into PARS later. 

Using PARS on Paper, you could do 12 assessments per hour using 6 stations...  PDQ; FAB1-3; FAB4-6; FAB7-10; TUG & S2S; P-TWET.  Allow 6 minutes per station (5 minutes to complete the assessment tasks plus 1 minute to rotate).  The physical tests average 30 seconds each so 3 tests are a minute and a half...  5 minutes is generous.  There are 2 challenges: 

  • Completing the PDQ in 5 minutes.  Level 1, 2 boxers & most level 3 boxers will be fine.  Level 4 boxers will typically take longer than 6 minutes.  For Level 4's, the coach should read the questions to the boxer.
  • Completing the P-TWET in 5 minutes:  When using the app, the P-TWET is interactive.  A consultation and "What-if"s can go more than 5 minutes.  For the blitz where the paper P-TWET doesn't give real-time feedback, focus on recording their current exercise options.  Later when they have received their BAR, the coach and the boxer can huddle to discuss how other exercise options might fit into the boxer's goals.  Remember, during the blitz, the stations may not be run by a coach.  Only a coach who understands the P-TWET and has some familiarity with the boxer should provide a consultation. 

Post-blitz, all the information from those PARS paper packets has to be entered into the PARS app.  BwP has made entering assessment information from paper very easy.  Specially when the paperwork is designed to match the app.  There is an assessment script to capture reassessment information from paper.  The main feature is that all 39 PDQ questions and all 12 physical tests are each on 1 page so you can go right down the paperwork entering answers quickly.  You can enter a boxer's complete assessment information into PARS in 5 to 7 minutes.

So, how long does it take to assess 24 boxers including entering their info into the PARS app and sending them their BAR?   Assessment stations:  2 hours.  PARS entry:  3 hours.  5 hours total.  Average 12.5 minutes / boxer! 

Boxers with Parkinson's (c) 2019, 2020, 2021.  A Washington 501c3 Association and Research Project.