Ask Mike
Frequently asked questions
You probably have lots of questions. Here is a list of common questions we have received. If you don't see your question, just Ask Mike.
Who is Mike? Mike Sellars is a Rock Steady Boxing affiliate with 2 locations, 2 certified coaches and about 60 boxers. He started this whole BwP Project. If anybody knows the answer to your question... it's Mike.
Mike can be reached at 425-830-4472 or by using this request form.
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How will the data be used?
The goal is 10,000 boxers participating in the system by end of 2020. With initial assessment and re-assessment data to work with, we envision the BwP Project benefiting every level of user. Here are a few thoughts:
- By the boxers: Compare assessments over time. Coach consultations; Share with family; Share with neurologist. Share with other affiliates when visiting their workouts.
- By the Coaches: Improved ability to consult with boxers on progress. Improved ability to tailor workouts to boxers. Improved ability to assess overall performance of your boxers.
- By the Affiliate: Assessment consistency; Boxer consultations; Coach boxer updates; Family consultations; track upcoming and over due assessments; Look up visiting boxers from other affiliates.
- By RSB, Inc.: Measure RSB effectiveness by gender; age groups, frequency of workouts and more. Identify high performing affiliates or struggling affiliates.
- By researchers: Boxing as exercise therapy data for a large sampling of boxers sortable by any BwP Project data element. We will enhance the system to support research requests when possible.
It is our intent that the data will never be shared, sold, given, transmitted or licensed to anyone by Rock Steady SKC outside the Rock Steady Boxing network. One partner, hopefully RSB, Inc., will be given exclusive rights to use the data, also limited in who and how they share the data with other groups at no charge.
Boxers may opt out of the research project.
When used for research purposes, researchers agree not to use any boxer's names or contact information in their reports. A unique boxer identifier is provided for the researcher when individual boxer records are viewed.
Is there a boxer version of the app?
In Version 1.0, no. A boxer feature set and downloadable version for smartphones may be included in Version 2.0.
Is the BwP Project sanctioned by Rock Steady Boxing, Inc.?
Boxers with Parkinson's is an independent research project with no relationship with Rock Steady Boxing, Inc. But, the connections to Rock Steady Boxing are important to BwP Project success:
- The only organized network of boxing exercise therapy for Parkinson's is the Rock Steady Boxing affiliate network. With 800+ affiliates and 40,000+ Boxers, they are the big dog.
- The founder of BwP Project is a passionate Rock Steady Boxing affiliate with 5 locations and follows RSB methodologies and processes passionately.
We recognize the incredible value of the Rock Steady Boxing affiliate network and look forward to a long mutually beneficial relationship with Rock Steady Boxing, Inc. To support RSB affiliates who want to participate in the BwP Project research and use the BwP app to manage their Boxers, we generate a special RSB Boxer Assessment Report which includes all the RSB elements from the paper intake and assessment processes to comply with existing RSB processes.
However, the BwP Project is not limited to Rock Steady Boxing affiliates. Any organization who commits to using appropriate intake assessment and reassessment processes and tools may apply for BwP Project membership.
Can I use 1 account to mange boxers for multiple locations?
Our pricing plans allow affiliates to use a single account for up to 3 locations. We have to put a limit on it to keep from diluting our income model to support the project. We may develop a plan to accomodate national or regional players based just on the number of boxers.
What is the "Boxers Intensity Index"?
We have boxers that work their hearts out every minute of every workout. And we have plodders. We even have one boxer who thinks we are a social club. For research purposes, you would expect that boxers who work out with a high intensity would see more benefits than a social boxer. I might want to run a report comparing boxers with a boxer intensity index of "high" and an average workout frequency of 3 times a week compared to boxers with a boxer intensity index of "low" who only average boxing once / week. I tell my boxers "You get out of Rock Steady what you put into Rock Steady. Now we can prove it.
What kinds of reports are available to an affiliate?
The report module is still in design but here are some anticipated reports:
- Boxer Directory listings
- Boxer Directory with RSB summary
- Rock Steady boxer anniversaries
- Boxers by RSB Level
- Boxers with upcoming or overdue assessments
- Boxers with birthdays this month
- By RSB level, average scores on PDQ and physical assessments
- Coach Directory
- Cheesy Chants
Can I look up boxers from another affiliate?
Yes! If you have the boxer's name, birthdate and primary affiliate location name as used in the BwP Project database you will be able to look up one boxer at a time. Affiliates cannot generate reports or listings outside their affiliate account.
I have lots of existing boxers... is there a quick entry for them?
We all have a base of existing boxers with an initial profile and assessment plus one or more additional assessments. The system provides a quick input form to add the existing boxer and their profile info and then add as many assessments as you wish.
We recommend adding all your active boxer's profiles when you sign up. It takes about 4-5 minutes each. When they are due for their next assessment, go back and add previous assessments using the quick entry forms. It takes about 5 minutes for a PDQ and the physical assessments.
We chose the Android platform to develop on for several reasons:
- We could not afford to initially develop for both platforms so we had to choose
- There were more Android tablets sold in 2017 than iPADs
- Android devices are available everywhere and they are cheap (starting at about $100)
- They support flash and other non-Apple technologies
- Easy app development and user customization
- Android apps can be distributed directly to users without being approved by Apple or being listed in the App Store.
Will there be an iPAD version? Don't know.
What are the required Android tablet specs?
- Android 5.0 or newer (Jelly Bean)
- 10 Inch Screen
- 32 Mb storage
- Dual Cameras, at least 2.0 Mb
Why a tablet and not smartphones?
- Converting 8.5 x 11 inch paper forms to a smartphone screen is a challenge
- Phone screen size limits page content
- Tablet screen is easy for seniors to read
- Phone calls might interrupt assessments
- Having a "Gym Tablet" allows several coaches to use the tablet
- Tie into a BwP Project email
Will there be an iPAD version?
Maybe down the road. Probably not. We are open to it but it has to be paid for somehow.
What safeguards are in place to protect a fighter’s privacy?
While the detailed privacy language and terms are still to be defined, here ae some of the anticipated privacy protections:
- Data is held in a Class A Network Center with enterprise level security
- Boxers can opt out of the national research program
- When used in the national research program, the boxer's name, birthdate, contact information and some other fields are not used in any report or list, internally or externally to the network. Any outside group provided with research access must agree to these stipulations.
- An affiliate only sees their boxers as a group or in reports
- An affiliate can look up guest boxers one at a time with the boxers name and birthdate
Why do we have to subscribe to this app?
Most of the apps we have on our phones and tablets are free. But every app is either a hobby app with limited quality and support or it has an income model. A game like Candy Crush has millions of downloads and users buying upgrades and extra lives or clicking on advertisements.
- We have a small user base, 700 to 1,000 users at max
- No advertising or referral income. There may be sponsors later.
- It takes money to provide support, fixes and enhancements.
- Enterprise level security and data storage (specially video) are expensive.
- We will have to provide user support.
- A subscription plan allows us to control who has access to the system and the data. When subscriptions lapse, that ends access to the database and the data. We can control access to protect the data integrity.
Boxers with Parkinson's (c) 2019, 2020, 2021. A Washington 501c3 Association and Research Project.