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BwP Project 2
Impact of Structured Exercise Programs on the Symptoms of Parkinson’s


Boxers with Parkinson's first large-scale research study will be to study the impact of Covid-19 on PwP.  We are in the project development and funding stage at this time.

Project Summary:  If intense physical exercise improves physical performance in people with Parkinson’s, then a period of no or reduced exercise should show a loss in physical performance.  For 52 people with Parkinson’s who were showing improvement in a structured exercise program pre-Covid-19, did they experience a decline in physical performance during the Covid-19 break?  What does the recovery ramp look like once in-person workouts begin again and can they reach their pre-Covid-19 peak?

Study Timeline.  








Phase 1:  Pre-Covid-19.  Participants were enrolled in a regular structured intensive physical exercise program (boxing) at least 1 year prior to the Covid-19 shutdown in March,2020.  They must have an intake assessment prior to March 2019 and a reassessment between January 1, 2020 and March 15, 2020.

Phase 2:  Covid-19 Break.  During the Covid-19 break, participants either: 1) did no structured exercise or light exercise such as walking, 2) did occasional home exercise such as rowing or a stationary bike, or, 3) participants enrolled in structured coach-led exercise programs via Zoom or using a Peloton type program.  The study will track physical performance changes in all three scenarios.  The tiered time difference represents the varying times for in-person workouts to begin again and for participants to feel comfortable returning to in-person workouts.

Phase 3:  Post-Covid-19.  Participants return to in-person workouts receiving an assessment upon their return.  They will be reassessed quarterly during the study to measure changes in their physical performance comparing their results to their intake scores, their pre-Covid-19 scores, their return scores and their quarter-by-quarter scores. 

Study Analysis.  All participants will complete their 12-month recovery period by May,2022 and 3 months will be allowed to analyze the data.

Boxers with Parkinson's (c) 2019, 2020, 2021.  A Washington 501c3 Association and Research Project.