September 16, 2020 @ 12:36 AM

There are four types of assessment scripts in the BwP app:  1) initial intake assessment; 2) Inputting an existing boxer from their original intake paper forms; 3) A new assessment for an active boxer; and, 4) follow-on assessments for existing boxers from the paper forms.

First let's talk about the overall boxer information.  The app includes several general boxer information sections:  Personal, emergency, medications, general health and heart conditions.  Then there is a record of their intake assessment and all follow-on assessments.  This includes tracking symptoms, quality of life (PDQ), Fullerton, TUG, and Sit-to-Stand plus a special module to track other exercise programs such as walking/hiking, tai chi, yoga, dancing, etc.  All this information is summarized in the app Boxer Profile and the emailable/printable Boxer Assessment Report.  

The assessment scripts have several benefits:  The app includes reminders so assessments are not missed; they eliminate missed information and illegible handwriting; 2) they safe time for coaches and boxers; the 100-point scoring system makes them easy to understand and easy to explain.  Coaches, boxers and family will love the comprehensive reports. Their neurologist will too!

The real magic is the ability to compare a boxer's progress over time.  While assessments may have been inconsistent in the past, for participating coaches and boxers the app will provide reminders to keep them on 6 month intervals.  A boxer who participates in the program for 3 years will have 7 assessments tracking dozens of data elements that we can graph and compare for them.  They will know where they are getting stronger and where they are losing ground.

And, what will we learn over 1,000 boxers over the next couple years?  Over 5,000 boxers over the next 5 years?  One boxer at a time.